What’s New

Dementia Education Evening for Families

On Thursday, February 25th, The RK MacDonald Nursing Home will be hosting a presentation by Leona Wilneff, a Challenging Behavior Consultant,  focused on Dementia Education for Families.  Please join us at 630pm in the Back Meeting Room.

Please note that this is an update to the below listed time.

Dementia Education Evening for Families

Family Council Meeting Rescheduled

Please note that the Family Council Meeting originally scheduled for today will now take place next Wednesday, January 20th, at the same time ( 3:30pm to 4:30pm ) and place ( Rhubarb Patch Room ). Our apologies for any inconvenience.

For more information on the Family Council please click here.

Letter From Terry Penny, Interim CEO

Please see the below letter from Terry Penny, Interim CEO to all Residents, Families, and Staff of the RK MacDonald Nursing Home.
A Letter From Terry Penny, Interim CEO

Click here to view a larger version.

Family Council Meeting

There will be a Family Council Meeting on Wednesday, January 13th from 3:30pm to 4:30pm at the RK MacDonald Nursing Rhubarb Patch Room.

For more information on the Family Council please click here.

Family Council Meeting

There will be a Family Council Meeting on Wednesday, December 16th from 3:30pm to 4:30pm at the RK MacDonald Nursing Home Main Dining Room.

For more information on the Family Council please click here.

Correction Notice

On a recent family information mail out, the contact email address was incorrect. If you would like to send us an email address for future general notifications, please send your email address to RK.AdminAssistant@rkmacdonald.ca

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Providing Feedback

We are committed to ensuring that all interactions within our facility are positive and that the care your loved one receives reflects our Mission, Vision and Values.

We are committed to continually improving the quality of services delivered to our residents and families. If we are meeting this commitment please let us know.

There may be times when you feel that we have not fulfilled our commitment. We are sorry that the care &/or interaction in our Home was not what you expected and we want an opportunity to talk to you about these concerns.

We have a developed a policy to address all feedback brought to our attention and welcome the opportunity to discuss the policy and the feedback process with you.

All feedback will be addressed in an honest, transparent, consistent & manner.

If you feel you cannot bring your concern through this process please talk to our HR Department for information on our Disclosure of Wrongdoing Policy process.

Steps in the process

  1. If you feel comfortable in doing so, please bring your concern to the immediate attention of a staff member so we can see if we can immediately resolve the issue.
  2. If you are uncomfortable discussing your feedback with the immediate staff or if you are unable to resolve the matter immediately, please complete the Feedback Form available in the front lobby, providing as much details as possible. You can also complete this form online.
  3. Drop this form in the box near the Administrative Assistant office and it will be forwarded to the appropriate manager for investigation.
  4. Your concern will be responded to within 2 working days with weekly follow-up until resolved.
  5. When concluded, you will receive a written summary of the concern, the process and the resolution.
  6. If you are not happy with the resolution or with any part of the process please contact the CEO at 867-5657.

Dental office being supported by Lights of Love

The RK MacDonald Nursing Home and their dental office fundraising efforts’ were recently featured in the The Casket.

‘Support of this project would enable our residents to receive dental services on-site and would enable us to offer an innovative preventative dental program to residents who choose to participate.’

You can read the full article here on the The Casket’s website.

RK launches 1,000 Hours Project

The RK MacDonald Nursing Home and their 1,000 Hours project was recently featured in the The Casket.

“MacDonald said it is about residents keeping close to the community. It is about maintaining a connection,” she added. Noting there are 137 residents, MacDonald described the RK as a “big house, which is always open to visitors.”

You can read the full article here on the The Casket’s website.