What’s New

Arts Canopy Project Benefits Celebrated

The Arts Health Antigonish Arts Canopy project was recently recognized with an artwork unveiling.

A well-attended art unveiling at R.K. MacDonald Nursing Home, Sept. 26, served as an appropriate time to recognize the good work done, as well as continuing efforts of, Arts Health Antigonish’s (AHA) Arts Canopy Project.

“Arts Canopy Project is an Arts Health Antigonish initiative which has helped to bring a number of arts-based projects to people; seniors and other folks, who are living in the community,” program co-ordinator Mary Partridge told the audience gathered for the unveiling, in the front foray of the nursing home on Pleasant Street.

You can read the entire article, which was posted on October 4th, on the Casket’s website here.

Planting Memories

Resident Edgar McPhee recently chatted with Casket reporter Richard MacKenzie about his life long passion for gardening and how he is using his skills to enrich the lives of other Residents.

Edgar McPhee has had a lifelong passion for gardening and he continues to display his green-thumb as a resident at R.K. MacDonald Nursing Home in Antigonish.

McPhee planted vegetables in garden boxes on the home’s grounds, which are at a height he can work with from his wheelchair.

McPhee noted he has been at the R.K. for two years and he has done the gardening both years.
“Last year and again this year,” he said, adding his crops include; “cucumbers, turnip, beans [green and yellow], beets, onion, and tomatoes.”

Asked about his selections, McPhee said they’re choices “we can use” and it’s noted he also shares his produce with some folks outside of the R.K. as well.

You can read the entire article, which was posted on September 8th, on the Casket’s website here.

Teepa Snow at The RK

Teepa Snow, one of the world’s leading educators on dementia, was at the R.K. MacDonald Nursing Home, July 7, conducting a session for healthcare providers on assisting those with dementia.

Chatting with the Casket during a short break in the lively training session, Snow talked about breaking down stigmas around dementia and improving awareness.

“We have to stop acting like this is something weird and unusual; dementia is a part of people’s lives,” Snow said.

“One in five families right now and one in two within 15 to 20 years … it’s everywhere.”

“We have to stop talking like it’s all horrible. It’s hard, we’re not going to say it isn’t, but we have to figure out how to live with it. We’re talking eight to 12 years of symptoms on average. Families are dealing with it and they don’t even know they are dealing with it, which is craziness.”


This excerpt reproduced with permission from the generous staff of The Casket. Read the full piece here.

Family Council Meeting

There will be a Family Council Meeting on Wednesday, May 17th from 3:30pm to 4:30pm at the RK MacDonald Nursing Rhubarb Patch Room.

For more information on the Family Council please click here.

‘A very special man’

Our celebration of a very special man was recently featured in the The Casket.

   On Jan. 16, Charlie Worth was the guest of honour as he and some family members joined staff and residents of the home for plenty of reminisces and, of course, a lot of laughs.

You can read the full article here on the The Casket’s website.

Family Council Meeting

There will be a Family Council Meeting on Wednesday, January 11th from 3:30pm to 4:30pm at the RK MacDonald Nursing Rhubarb Patch Room.

For more information on the Family Council please click here.

R.K. residents reflect on festive season

Reflections of our Residents were recently featured in the The Casket.

    For Mary E. Walsh, memories of a young teacher putting on a Christmas concert in a one-room schoolhouse came flooding back.

You can read the full article here on the The Casket’s website.

A country Christmas at the R.K.

A Country Christmas at the RK MacDonald Nursing Home was recently featured in the The Casket.

  “I was kind of bored one day and I decided ‘well, I have got to do something,’” the Margaree Valley, Cape Breton native, said, when asked where he came up with the idea for the holiday celebration.

You can read the full article here on the The Casket’s website.

Twiddle Hand-warmers for the R.K.

A donation to the RK MacDonald Nursing Home was recently featured in the The Casket.

“It’s very heartwarming to see their contribution,” she said. “We all have a connection to dementia and it’s great to see groups, like the S&B ladies, using their talents to contribute in such a meaningful way.”

You can read the full article here on the The Casket’s website.

Family Council Meeting

There will be a Family Council Meeting on Wednesday, December 14th from 3:30pm to 4:30pm at the RK MacDonald Nursing Rhubarb Patch Room.

For more information on the Family Council please click here.