Leadership & Administrative Support

Education Coordinator

The provision of education that focuses on the R.K. MacDonald’s Mission, Vision and Core Values as well as best and emerging practice in geriatric care.

Director, Rehabilitation Services

The Director of Rehabilitation Services, either an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist provides the day to day management of the Walking Stick Rehabilitation services.

Director of Clinical Services

As a member of the Leadership Team, the Director of Clinical Services provides oversight of Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Nursing Services to ensure a coordinated and collaborative approach to resident care.

Director of Recreation, Spiritual, & Volunteers

As a member of the Leadership Team, the Director of Recreation, Spiritual, & Volunteer Services provides the day-to-day management of the Recreation, Spiritual, & Volunteer services operation and its personnel and provides a vital link between the department, its personnel, and the leadership team.

Director, of Environmental & Food Services

The Director of Environmental Services provides the day to day management of the Environmental Services operation and its personnel and provides a vital link between the Environmental Services department and its personnel and the leadership team.

Human Resource Coordinator

the Human Resource Coordinator provides the day to day management of the Human Resources department and provides a vital link between the HR department and the leadership team.