Visitation Rules – Nov. 25th, 2020

Nov 25, 2020

November 25th, 2020 Update:

Dear Friends and Family of RK MacDonald:

Public Health has confirmed we are into the second wave of COVID-19 in Nova Scotia. As predicted by other parts of the country and the world, the virus numbers increased quickly. Public Health has introduced new restrictions and guidelines for the province as well as LTC facilities. We are asking for your cooperation to protect residents and staff from COVD-19. The more diligent we are now, the greater the likelihood that we can prevent further restrictions before the holidays.

  1. All indoor visits will stop effective midnight tonight.
  2. Designated Care Providers are still able to visit, however we are asking that DCP’s who are from within the restricted areas in Halifax refrain from visiting until December 9, 2020- we will re-evaluate at that time.
  3. If you are a DCP from Halifax, we expect that you will adhere to the restrictions as per your region should you continue to visit.
  4. We are asking DCPs to limit offsite drives with residents until December 9, 2020. We will re-evaluate at that time.
  5. We ask all DCP to consider their degree of risk before coming to the Home. As always, we are able to answer questions and have a conversation with you regarding your risk if you would like to speak to someone directly. Please call us at 902-863-2578 ext 233 and Cathy or
  6. Jennifer will direct your call to the appropriate person.
  7. Please notify us prior to your visit if you have been at one of the exposure sites listed in the daily advisories from Public Health.

When you visit the facility:

  • Non-medical masks are required on the property as we are a public place; this is part of the Public Health order. DO NOT come to the door of the Home unmasked.
  • Your nose and mouth must remain under your mask at all times. Do not pull your mask down to speak to others.
  • Brief hugs are allowed if visitors are wearing a medical mask. Any resident exposures to visitors not wearing masks must be reported to Public Health and may result in a resident being isolated and the visitor be swabbed for COVID-19.
  • Bedroom doors are to remain open during visits.
  • Visitors are not permitted to eat, drink or smoke with the residents during the visits.
  • While most residents are able to enjoy visits with family in their rooms, other residents may require that their family member visit with them as they walk outside of their room. We ask for visitors’ patience and understanding if alternative visits are required for some residents.
  • Wash your hands, socially distance form staff and residents wherever possible, wear your mask, practice good cough and sneeze etiquette, keep gathering limits to 10 people.
  • PLEASE DO NOT VISIT if you are feeling unwell. Do not visit if you have a fever or a new or worsening cough or two of the following symptoms- sore throat, runny nose, headache, shortness of breath

Car Rides – as noted above, we are asking that DCPs consider suspending drives with residents until December 9, 2020. In the event that a resident goes off site in a car for an appointment or drive the following must be followed:

  • Absolutely no home visits and no stops (including drive thru visits) during the outings.
  • Only the designated care provider can take the resident for a drive.
  • No one else can be in the car with the DCP and the resident- including meeting other family members and friends for a quick visit.
  • The DCP must wear a mask during the drive. A medical mask will be provided for your outing.
  • The DCP must come in for screening prior to the drive.

As Dr. Strang has said on many occasions in other contexts, please “stop looking for loopholes” when you visit or take your loved one out. The “rules” are in place to ensure residents and staff are safe and that residents and families can continue to visit. We have added front door screeners and housekeeping staff, but each person has a responsibility to follow the rules. We know the devastating effects of COVID 19 in Long Term Care facilities and these rules are in place to prevent the virus from entering the Home.

We are very hopeful that this recent increase in cases will resolve quickly and we will be able to reopen as a province and enjoy the Atlantic Bubble once again.

I also want to reassure you that we are reviewing plans and protocols, meeting daily as a staff and following guidelines to prepare our facility in the event that we do have COVID exposures or positive COVID cases. We are committed to doing our utmost to prevent and control an outbreak in our facility.

Click here to read the full guidelines.

Michelle Thompson CEO