Respite Care Information for Families

Respite care is a support service offered to families/care givers who provide care for a loved one at home. This temporary placement provides caregivers a temporary rest from care giving while providing your loved one with continued care. Using respite care can support and strengthen your ability to continue to care for your loved one at home. Respite accommodations are in a private room.

Cost & Access to Respite Beds

Respite services are available for a weekend, a week or up to a month with 60 days/year considered the maximum utilization for an individual. Depending on individual circumstances, extension may be considered.

To discuss or access Respite Services please call a Community Care Coordinator at 1-800-225-7225. The Care Coordinator will discuss costs and eligibility for financial assistance with you.

All information, policies, practices etc, that apply to permanent admissions apply for respite admissions.

What to Bring

  • your own pharmacy labeled medications
  • personal toileting supplies (shaver, toothbrush etc)
  • your cane, walker, wheelchair labeled with your name
  • clothes (we suggest seven changes of clothing)
  • supplies for special treatments such as colostomy supplies, dressings etc
  • your Nova Scotia Health Care card (please give this to the RN)

What Not to Bring

  • Valuables and large sums of money
  • Furniture

When to Arrive

For operational reasons, admissions and discharges occur during regular business hours Monday – Thursday.

On admission please arrange payment with the Resident Clerk.