Recognizing Service

Jul 31, 2023

On June 12th the RK MacDonald Nursing home was proud to recognize the many years of dedicated service provided by our employees.

Chair of the Board Camilla Benoit (left) and CEO Terry MacIntyre (right) present Kim MacDonald her 30 Years Award

Chair of the Board Camilla Benoit (far left) and CEO Terry MacIntyre (far right) present Joanne Vacheresse (left) and Fran Bowie (right) their 10 Years Service Award

Chair of the Board Camilla Benoit (far left) and CEO Terry MacIntyre (far right) present Laura Young (left) and Camille Berkvens (right) their 15 Years Service Award

Lee Kelly, Director of Clinical Services (far left) and Chair of the Board Camilla Benoit (center) present Robert MacArthur (left), Joanne Taylor (right), and Lori Barkhouse (far right) their 25 Years Service Award

Assistant Director of Clinical Services Michelle Tinio (far left), Chair of the Board Camilla Benoit (left), and Lee Kelly, Director of Clinical Services (far right) present Carolyn White (right) her 30 Years Service Award

Director of Environmental & Food Services Mark Chisholm (left) and Chair of the Board Camilla Benoit (center) present Jacqueline Delorey her 30 Years Award