Pelly Sisters Combined for 125 years of Service

Oct 9, 2018

We would like to thank The Casket for covering the story on the Pelly Sisters. The trio has worked, combined, almost 125 years at the Antigonish facility. “We were only babies when we came,” Vicky said, with a laugh.

RK MacDonald Nursing Home - Pelley Sisters By The Casket

It is a family affair for the Pelly sisters, when it comes to working at the R.K. MacDonald Nursing Home in Antigonish. – Corey LeBlanc The Casket

She is the newcomer, when it comes to service time, having 37 years under her belt, while Eva has 44. Kandy retired last year after 43 years working in the R.K. kitchen.

“It is nice when the residents know your name,” Eva said, when asked about favourite parts of her job.

“There is a different challenge every day,” Vicky said.

She added there have been “a lot of changes,” since she started working there.

“I was scared to death,” Eva, with a laugh, said of her first day on the job, noting she had never worked with seniors.

To read all of this story from The Casket, click here.