Message to Designated Care Givers

Dec 24, 2021

Dear Designated Care Givers,

I wish to acknowledge your ongoing support of the safety precautions we have implemented here at the RK – greatly appreciated!

Respecting the continued presence of COVID-19 in our local community, the RK is extending the following president safety measures:

  • Visitation: in order to reduce foot traffic in the Home, only a resident’s DCG’s are permitted to visit the Home – can you please notify other family members / friends of this restriction
  • Mask wearing: visitors must not remove their masks at any time during your visit and we ask that you only visit with your loved one
  • Offsite visits: continued restriction for offsite resident outings
  • Symptoms: All DCG visitors to are encouraged to get tested even if you experience mild symptoms
  • Rapid testing: it is strongly recommend that DCG visitors complete a rapid test within 24 hours of your visit.
  • Staff: screening is ongoing, we are providing rapid testing kits x 2 weekly for staff, continue to promote mask wearing, hand hygiene and are asking any staff that may have been in a high exposure site to get tested  

Although our residents are fully vaccinated and have received their booster, we feel the above measures are necessary to help keep them safe during this community outbreak.

Take care everyone,

Terry MacIntyre, CEO