We are very pleased to reproduce the below excerpt of an article by Sam Macdonald of The Casket published on August 14th.
‘A little sanctuary’: Antigonish Community Comes Together to Create Buddy Bench at RK MacDonald Nursing Home
Kim Cameron-MacDonald (upper left), Francis Grenier, Emma MacDonald, Mary Grace, Mary Partridge, Diane Delorey (bottom left), Donna MacLean, Mary Margaret Grace and Sadie Boyd – all enjoying the fine weather with the Buddy Bench – the newest addition to the garden area of the RK MacDonald Nursing Home. – Sam Macdonald
A new, colourful addition adorns the garden area of the RK MacDonald nursing home.
The bench is hard to miss. The bright yellow bench is decorated in the rainbow-coloured handprints of several generations of people and is the product of a partnership between members of Antigonight: Art After Dark Festival, staff and residents of RK MacDonald and youth from the local Montessori School.
“It took a lot of priming and painting to get that beautiful yellow that is there now,” Emma MacDonald, festival director for Antigonight, said, describing how the handprints belong to several generations of Antigonishers.
“We also wanted to use a lot of bright, primary colours for the handprints. We wanted to incorporate an inter-generational piece to this community art project.”
You can read the rest of the article on The Casket’s website here.